Can I Sue My Landlord for No Gas Safety Check?

sue landlord for no gas

You aren’t alone when it comes to concerns regarding gas safety as a tenant. Many people face these issues while renting a house. We’re going to cover your concerns and give you a pressing answer to the question in this guide: Can you sue your landlord for failing to perform gas safety checks? We will also go over the safety measures you may take to keep your house secure and protect yourself.

What Are Gas Safety Checks?

Gas safety checks are inspections carried out by qualified engineers to ensure that gas appliances in your home are safe to use. These checks are very important because faulty gas equipment can give rise to many hazardous situations, such as gas leakage, fire outbreaks, and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Why is it so important?

Gas safety checks are essential for several reasons:

Safety: They ensure that all gas appliances, fittings, and flues are working correctly and safely.
Legal Requirement: According to the law, landlords must do these checks yearly and provide renters with a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your home is safe from potential gas problems can significantly reduce stress.

Report to Landlord for No Gas Safety Check

Yes, you can report landlord for no gas safety check. If your landlord hasn’t provided a Gas Safety Certificate, you have every right to take action. Here is what you can do in this situation:

  1. Discuss it with Your Landlord: Some problems could be sorted just by talking about it. Remind him of his legal duty to carry out the checks.
  2. HSE Notification: If your landlord refuses to comply after sending a reminder, you are allowed to report him or her to the HSE, which is responsible for enforcing gas safety regulation.
  3. Local Council: You can also contact the Environmental Health Department of your local council, which will investigate matters and take action against your landlord.

Sue Landlord for No Gas Safety Check

If your landlord refuses to carry out gas safety checks, you might wonder, “Can I report landlord for no gas safety check?” Yes, you can. Here is how you can do this:

  1. Collect Evidence: Keep records of all your requests to your landlord relating to a gas safety check and their responses. Save any relevant documents, such as your tenancy agreement.
  2. Seek Legal Advice: One could also consult a solicitor who deals with housing matters. They will then be able to advise on the correct procedure to take and what their rights will be.
  3. File a Claim: You can file a claim against your landlord with the help of your solicitor. There are a lot of issues for which you can claim. These include breach of contract and negligence.

What Compensation Can I Receive?

If you sue your landlord and you win, you could be entitled to a wide variety of damages described below.

Repair and Maintenance Costs: If you are to pay for them yourself,
Distress Compensation: If you have suffered immense stress or health issues caused by failure to conduct any gas safety checks, recoverable costs are also associated with your legal fees.


Gas safety checks are more than just a legal requirement; they also play a vital role in ensuring your safety and sanity. If your landlord has been avoiding this obligation, you have every right to notify the authorities and even take them to court if necessary. After all, your safety is paramount and there exist laws meant to shield you from harm. 

Updating yourself with relevant information concerning gas safety in your home helps you create a healthy living environment. Hence, if ever you pondered, ‘Can I sue my landlord for failure to conduct a gas safety inspection?’ the answer is yes! There are steps that you can follow to safeguard yourself as well as assert one’s rights. Beware that gas home security knowledge is an antidote against unforeseeable predicaments besides providing tranquility of mind. Therefore, when the situation calls for it, act accordingly without being hesitant since seeking legal advice in defending one’s rights is paramount. Take care!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Gas Safety Certificate is a CP12 paper issued upon a gas safety check carried out by an individual registered as a gas engineer to prove all the gas appliances on the premises are safe to use.

Landlords are legally liable to take a gas safety check every 12 months and, within 28 days of the check, provide a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate to all the tenants.

Initially, if your landlord hasn’t provided it, you should speak to him directly about the need for a Gas Safety Certificate. If they fail to do that, then you could inform the Health and Safety Executive or even your local council.

I’m not saying it’s wise to withhold your rent but if you do it without talking to a lawyer first, then it is not advisable at all. By doing this, you escape any legal issues that might come about because of stating that your rent has been withheld. It would be smarter to report landlord for no gas safety check to proper authorities.

In case of a gas leak, you may smell something like rotten eggs, hear the hissing sound near your gas appliances, or feel lightheaded/dizzy. With carbon monoxide poisoning, you may experience headaches, dizziness, nausea or difficulty breathing. If you suspect that you have a gas leak or carbon monoxide poisoning, leave and call emergency services immediately.

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