Complete Guide to Compensation for No Hot Water

compensation for no hot water

You are a tenant living in a rental property in the UK but without hot water or having trouble with a hot water supply or you want compensation for this trouble, but you don’t know how to claim compensation for no hot water in the UK? or how do we calculate it? 

But don’t worry, I have good news for you. Under the Landlord and Tenancy Act 1985 and the Fitness for Human Habitation Act 2018, you have the right to claim compensation for no hot water in a rental property UK.

If you have any problem, for example: 

  • Your boiler is broken. 
  • Leakage of pipe is there in your boiler. 
  • You do not have a supply of hot water or have faulty heating. 
  • Your boiler takes longer to heat the water fully, the boiler shuts off. 
  • You don’t have any hot water supply or faulty heating. 

In this blog post, I have covered everything related to no hot water compensation. So keep reading to know how you can get one.

How Can You Claim a Compensation?

If you encounter any problems related to the hot water system or supply, you should immediately inform the landlord. A landlord is responsible for making sure that his property has hot water facilities. But if they refuse or you don’t see any progress from their side, then you must take legal action. However, the only possible way to say that they do not compensate for no hot water is to prove that there is a problem. 

For that, you need to: 

  • Collection of evidence with the help of Photo or Video Shooting of the problem. 
  • Secure a witness statement if you are able to. 
  • Need a record check for additional expenses because of no hot water 
  • It is also relevant to record any emails, letters and text messages with the landlord 

But always ensure you report it to the landlord because they are the ones who will address it. But, as we mentioned, if he does not respond, then file a complaint with the Housing Ombudsman or apply for a redress scheme. Also, seek advice from experts in legal aid services or tenant support organisations. Then, consider legal actions for compensation.

What are the No Hot Water Rights in the UK?

According to section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, landlords are supposed to maintain the property and do the repairs in the required time. This act also entitles you to the right to ask for repair as and when the hot water problems occur and take serious complaints of disrepair to the authorities.

In addition, the landlord is also responsible for any health issues tenants may experience due to not having hot water.

Are You Eligible?

Now the main question is, are you eligible for this compensation or not? However, some conditions have to be followed strictly. They are:

  • You have to suffer from no hot water because the owner of the house was so careless
  • This is only possible if you have reported the issue and afforded some time for its repair.
  • It is impossible to have a hot shower, do laundry, wash dishes, and so on; you must have a health issue with no hot water.
  • Your boiler has to work inoperably
  • The owner must have delayed repairing after being reported.

However, along with these prerequisites, there are some exceptions and special cases. Which are:

  • When you cause damage by yourself
  • If the repair is taking too long.

In these two conditions, you can not apply for this compensation. But if you are eligible, then contact us to get through.

How to Calculate Your Compensation?

Calculating your no-hot water compensation is easy. You can calculate it through any online compensation calculator. However, you should just include things like the length of time without hot water, costs incurred, and any health impacts. Although these tools will provide you with the potential claims for accuracy, you need the legal expert that we are. 

We are the experts of legal lawyers who will guide you on how you can get compensation for not having hot water for so long. Contact us if you need any assistance.


In conclusion, I suggest you consult a legal expert if you are not having hot water in the UK. Living without it in a rental property is stressful. You have the right to claim your compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 and the Fitness for Human Habitation Act 2018 to claim compensation for no hot water in the UK. 

By following the above-mentioned steps you can answer your question, how much compensation is for no hot water in the UK? But make sure to document your issue, gather evidence, and maintain a record of communication.  Also, the problem should be reported to the property owner promptly, and if they fail to repair it, consult the Housing Ombudsman or seek legal advice from legal experts. 

But if you need help with any of these aspects, kindly contact our team of professional lawyers and legal consultants. 


1. Is It Against the Law to Have No Hot Water?

Yes, it is against the law to not provide a hot water facility in rental properties in the UK. According to the Act 1985, the landlords must provide essential services like hot water. However, if they don’t do so, it is legally unfair to the tenants.

2. How Long Can You Be Left Without Hot Water?

Landlords should not leave you without water for more than 24 hours. They should try to rectify the problem as soon as possible. But if any of them do not, then a complaint can be made to the local authorities of the society. 

3.  What Rights Do Tenants Have if No Hot Water? 

In the instance where there is no hot water, you can indeed withhold rent, but this is highly unsafe. Instead, follow legal procedures. You only need to report the issue to the owner and give a reasonable time to fix it. But if they don’t pay or it takes so long to repair, you can cut the amount from the rent, but only under the terms of your agreement with the owner.

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